Gate Island Travel - OTA (Online Travel Agency)
Why publish your accommodation on Isliday?
Because it is a booking site dedicated to the islands , aimed at a community of travelers who frequent only these fantastic destinations.
Place ad
Already have ads on other booking sites?
Request assistance and our dedicated team will contact you within one business day to best configure and synchronize your ad.
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Tips for your ad
Prepare at least 5 photos, descriptions and prices, the rest is simple, fast and intuitive.
Enter the Isliday world
Your ad will only be visible to travelers who like to go to the islands for their holidays.
Think about your ideal guests
Attract the attention of your guests by best describing who your holiday home may be suitable for.
Always by your side.
Our team is always available to help you make your listing competitive and get more bookings.
Frequent questions

You can synchronize the calendar of your announcements with those on other travel sites, you will find the icall file in your private area, you will have a complete guide for this, our team is always ready to help you.

>You decide whether to receive immediate bookings or booking requests to be accepted, the only thing in the latter case is to keep the calendar updated

You will receive your earnings the day after the entrance of your customers in the accommodation, at your choice you can decide whether to receive a bank transfer or withdraw directly from a virtual card that you will find the day after entering your reserved area.

Travelers are required to pay 30% at the time of booking and the balance 15 days before arrival, however if you wish we can customize the booking conditions. Contact us for this.

You will always be in contact with your traveler customers through a messaging system which you can access from your private area.

You will decide yourself whether to charge for services (cleaning, linen, etc.) in advance or directly on site

What they say about us
Do you use a Channel Manager?
Isliday is integrated with the major Channel Managers, check that yours is one of them, no cost will be required for this.